Niagara Regional Police Service - Headquarters
Community Room 1st Floor, 5700 Valley Way, Niagara Falls

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  • That the Minutes of the Public Board Meeting held Thursday, February 23, 2023 be adopted as circulated.

Crime Stoppers of Niagara Board President Ernie Sibbett and Board Secretary Jason Snyder will provide a presentation on the Crime Stoppers program, which is a citizen, media and police co-operative program designed to involve the community in the fight against crime and encourage the public to anonymously assist law enforcement agencies in the apprehension and conviction of criminals.

  • That the presentation be received.

Correspondence dated February 24, 2023 from Ann-Marie Norio, Regional Clerk, Niagara Region, advising of the resolution passed at the Regional Council meeting held February 23, 2023 respecting the appointment of Nyarayi Kapisavanhu as the Community Member to the Niagara Police Services Board.

Service report dated February 9, 2023 advising the Board of the policing activities and associated costs of the 2022 First Nations Deer Harvest held at Short Hills Provincial Park in St. Catharines, Ontario, on October 12 and 25; November 5 and 23; and December 3 and 14, 2022, which accrued 20 hours of on duty officer time and a further 332 hours of overtime, resulting with a cost to the NRPS at an estimated total of $26,818.13.

Service report dated March 3, 2023 providing the Board with a five-year uniform and civilian quarterly and year-to-date overtime trend analysis to include summaries of the overtime hours by activity category, which continues to be predominantly driven by the need to meet minimum staffing requirements and major investigation events. 

Service report dated February 27, 2023 informing the Board that net proceeds in the amount of $779.80 have been received from the sale of the NRPS Souvenir and Display Sales Program for the year 2022, and that those funds have been transferred to the Board's Special Fund Account.

Service report dated February 8, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 219-2000.

Service report dated March 2, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 224-2000.

Service report dated February 16, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 227-2000.

Service report dated February 16, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 295-2010.

Service report dated March 7, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 240-2000.

Service report dated February 16, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 229-2000.

Service report dated February 16, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 273-2005. 

Service report dated March 2, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 235-2000.

Service report dated March 2, 2023 submitted in accordance to the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-Law 210-2000.

  • That the information be received.

Report dated March 1, 2023 from Deb Reid, Executive Director, Niagara Police Services Board, requesting the Board confirm the mandate and membership of Board Committees for 2023.

  • That the Board approve the Committee mandate as outlined in this report and confirm its Committee membership for 2023.

Service report dated March 3, 2023 requesting the Board approve the 2023 OPVTA Business Plan, which reinforces both the NRPS and Board's commitment to public safety and organizational excellence through the continuance of developing and distributing police learning materials to over 25,000 police officers representing 76 member agencies. 

  • That the Board approve the 2023 Ontario Police Video Training Alliance (OPVTA) Business Plan as outlined in the report.

Correspondence dated March 16, 2023 from Deb Reid, Executive Director, Niagara Police Services Board, requesting the Board consider a donation to support the opening reception at the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) 2023 Annual General Meeting and Spring Conference, being held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, from May 30 to June 1, 2023.

  • That the Board authorize a donation in the amount of $5,000.00 from the Special Fund to the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) in support of the opening reception at its 2023 Annual General Meeting and Spring Conference. 

Service dated March 2, 2023 requesting the Board approve a donation to help offset the costs of the Ontario Women in Law Enforcement (OWLE) Annual Awards Banquet in support of the Board's commitment to the importance of police training and encouragement for women to consider a career and policing. (Previous donation: 2019 - $250.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $500.00 from the Special Fund in support of the Ontario Women in Law Enforcement (OWLE) Annual Awards Banquet.

Service report dated March 8, 2023 requesting financial support for the 27th Annual CALEO Training Symposium being held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, from April 26-28, 2023, for members of law enforcement agencies in both Canada and the United States. Funds raised will assist CALEO with offsetting costs relating to audio/video equipment for presentations, guest speaker transportation, accommodations, and meals. (Previous donations: 2008-2019 - $250.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $300.00 from the Special Fund to assist with operating costs at the Canadian American Law Enforcement Organization (CALEO) Annual Training Symposium. 

Service report dated March 6, 2023 requesting the Board approve a donation for the purchase of a corporate table at the Family and Children Services (FACS) Fundraising Gala being held at John Michael’s Banquet Hall in Thorold, Ontario, on April 21, 2023. Funds raised at the event will contribute to helping children in need of protection. (This is a first time donation request.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $2,500.00 from the Special Fund for the purchase of a corporate table at the Annual Family and Children Services (FACS) Charity Gala.

Service report dated March 15, 2023 requesting the Board approve sponsorship to the Niagara Chapter of Native Women in support of the "Blockers and Attackers" fundraising event being held on April 14, 2023, to inspire the next generation of Indigenous women athletes, while advocating for health and wellness in both their own communities and across Turtle Island. Funds raised at the event will assist with the continuance of critical programs and services for Indigenous women and families. (Previous donation: 2022 - $500.

  • That the Board authorize a donation at the "Moccasins" sponsorship level in the amount of $500.00 from the Special Fund to the Niagara Chapter of Native Women in support of the "Blockers and Attackers" fundraising event.

Service report dated March 6, 2023 requesting the Board approve a donation for the purchase of a corporate table at Pathstone Foundation’s 2023 Hope Gala on November 3, 2023, at the Fallsview Casino Resort’s Grand Ballroom.  Funds raised at the event will support the various services provided by the Pathstone Foundation as well as to help reduce the wait list, support research, and strengthen a child’s experience at Pathstone. (Previous donations:  2014-2018 - $2,500; 2019 - $3,000.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $2,500.00 from the Special Fund to cover the cost of a corporate table at the Pathstone Foundation's Annual Hope Gala event.

Service report dated March 8, 2023 requesting the Board approve a donation for the purchase of 2,000 Project 529 Garage Shields to maintain and expand the NRPS Bicycle Registry Program, partnered with Project 529 Garage, that was initiated in 2022. (Previous donation: 2021 - $5,800.)

  • That the approve a donation in the amount of $6,320.00 from the Special Fund for the purchase of 2,000 Project 529 Garage Shields in support of the crime prevention tool of the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) Bicycle Registry.

Service report dated March 3, 2023 requesting the Board approve a donation to help offset expenses incurred by the members of the Niagara Regional Police Service participating in the annual Tug of War cross border competition being held May 13, 2023 on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls. (Previous donations: 2004-$250, 2005-$300, 2006-$250; 2007-2009-$300; 2010-2018-$500; 2019-$1,000; 2020-$1,400.)

  • That the Board authorize a donation in the amount of $1,400.00 from the Special Fund to the NRPS Men's and Women's teams competing in the annual Tug-of-War competition.

Service report dated February 2, 2023 advising that the SIU concluded their investigation in this matter and found no grounds for criminal charges against any police officer, and also advising that in compliance with S. 32 of Ontario Regulation 268/10 made under the Police Services Act, the Service completed its review and investigation into this matter and concluded that there are no identified policy/service/officer conduct issues.

Service report dated February 1, 2023 advising that the SIU concluded their investigation in this matter and found no grounds for criminal charges against any police officer, and also advising that in compliance with S. 32 of Ontario Regulation 268/10 made under the Police Services Act, the Service completed its review and investigation into this matter and concluded that there are no identified policy/service/officer conduct issues.

  • That, in accordance with Board direction, the above noted In Camera reports be received for public information. 

The Police Services Board will adjourn the public portion of the meeting and reconvene in-camera for consideration of confidential matters pursuant to Section 35(4) of the Police Services Act.

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