Niagara Regional Police Service - Headquarters
Community Room 1st Floor, 5700 Valley Way, Niagara Falls

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  • That the Minutes of the Public Board Meeting held Thursday, June 27, 2024 be adopted as circulated.

A Service presentation is included with Item 9.2 on this agenda.

Letter dated July 4, 2024 from Ann-Marie Norio, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Niagara, advising of a resolution passed by Regional Council on June 27, 2024, specific to Regional Memorandum CL-C 56-2024, dated June 27, 2024, respecting the revised Information Sharing Protocol between the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Service Board that was updated to meet the requirements of the new Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

Report dated July 3, 2024 from Jennifer Guarasci, Interim Vice President, Administration, Brock University, providing a quarterly report about complaints, use of force, discipline and arrests associated to officers designated as Special Constables and employed with Brock University Campus Safety Services.  

Service report dated July 2, 2024 providing a summary of the actual versus the authorized strength by rank/salary band of the uniform and civilian complement of the Niagara Regional Police Service.

Service report dated July 11, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 436-2024.

Service report dated June 13, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 406-2024.

Service report dated June 25, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 442-2024.

Service report dated July 4, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 410-2024.

Service report dated June 19, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 476-2024.

Service report dated June 21, 2024, submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 481-2024.

Service report dated June 25, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 491-2024.

Service report dated July 4, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 422-2024.

Service report dated June 11, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 497-2024.

Service report dated June 27, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 498-2024.

Service report dated July 3, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 423-2024.

Service report dated June 17, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 500-2024.

Service report dated June 20, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 504-2024.

Service report dated July 3, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 426-2024.

Service report dated June 14, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 461-2024.

Service report dated July 4, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 430-2024.

Service report dated June 26, 2024 submitted in accordance with the annual reporting requirements set out in Board By-law 463-2024.

  • That the information be recieved.

Service report dated June 28, 2024 requesting Board approval to close completed capital projects and return the balance of the funds to their original source for use in the development of future funding strategies.

  • That the Board approve the closure of the identified completed capital projects and the transfer of funds to the Police Capital Levy Reserve in the amount of $20,353.02. 

Service report dated June 27, 2024 requesting the Board approve the proposed 2025 Police Service Capital Budget and 9-Year Capital Forecast. (A copy of the NRPS 2025 budget presentation is attached to the report.)

  • That, subject to approval by Regional Council of the consolidated Capital Budget, the Board approve the 2025 Capital Budget and Forecast as follows:

    1. That the 2025 Capital Budget of the Niagara Regional Police Service of $6,771,000.00, as summarized in Appendix 1, be approved.
    2. That financing in the amount of $6,771,000.00 be initiated upon approval of the 2025 Capital Budget and be allocated to the projects as summarized in Appendix 1. (Financing for the 2025 Capital Budget is from the Police Capital Levy Reserve in the amount of $2,555,000.00; Police Vehicles and Equipment Reserve Fund in the amount of $2,214,000.00; Region Capital Levy Reserve in the amount of $1,502,000.00 and Development Charges in the amount of $500,000.00).
    3. That the 9-Year Capital Forecast be received as a guideline for the development of future Capital Budgets.

Service report dated June 28, 2024, requesting the Board approve the NRPS funding model framework as presented, which was developed at the direction of the Board to establish policy on how the Board and Service will continue to the fund Crime Stoppers of Niagara, Kristen French Child Advocacy Centre of Niagara, Victim Services Niagara, and Niagara Safety Village, in keeping with the practice that was established in 2009 and currently realizes direct funding by the 2024 budget of $275,000 and additional resources of $232,254 for a total commitment of $507,254.

  • That the Board authorize the Chief of Police to implement the funding model framework as presented;

    And further, that formal agreements with the Service partnership agencies be developed for the 2025 budget cycle, and that the agreements be brought to the Board for consideration. 

Service report dated July 17, 2024 requesting Board approval to purchase 170 portable radios from Motorola to replace radios that are at the end of their physical life cycle and to ensure the reliability of radio and two-way communication, reduce the risk of radio failure, enhance officer and public safety and reduce the high cost of repairs.  This capital project is part of the Service’s 2024 capital program, funded by the Region’s Capital Levy Reserve in the amount of $773,500.00.

  • That the Board approve the Motorola Solutions QUOTE-2670724-NSMO for the purchase of 170 portable radios at an expected cost of $784,724.28 net of HST rebates, as appended to the report. 

Service report dated July 9, 2024 requesting a donation from the Special Fund for a golf foursome at the Niagara Regional Fire Chiefs’ Association Golf Classic being held on September 26, 2024 at Peninsula Lakes Golf Course in support of Wellspring Niagara. (This is a first-time Special Fund request.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $800.00 from the Special Fund for the registration of a foursome of golfers at the Niagara Regional Fire Chiefs’ Association Golf Classic. 

Service report dated July 9, 2024 requesting a donation from the Special Fund for a golf foursome at the Cliff Priest Memorial Golf Tournament being held on September 26, 2024 at Bridgewater Country Club in support of the ‘Survivors of Law Enforcement’ (SOLE) group and worthy local community charities. (This is a first-time Special Fund request.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $600.00 from the Special Fund for the registration of a foursome of golfers at the Cliff Priest Memorial Golf Tournament.

Service report dated July 3, 2024 requesting a donation from the Special Fund to assist the Service, as the host agency, with the costs of welcome and appreciation attendee bags when hosting the Versaterm Re:Invent Users Conference being held in Niagara Falls from September 16–19, 2024. (This is a first-time Special Fund request.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $1,500.00 from the Special Fund to assist the NRPS as the host agency of the Versaterm Re: Invent Users Conference.

Service report dated June 13, 2024 requesting a donation from the Special Fund to assist with the costs of hosting a BBQ at the Youth Resources Niagara (YRN) basketball game to support the purchase of household items for the YRN’s Wagner House location. (This is a first-time Special Fund request.)

  • That the Board approve a donation in the amount of $500.00 from the Special Fund to assist with the costs of hosting a participation BBQ in support of the Youth Resources Niagara’s Wagner House location. 

Service report dated July 10, 2024 requesting a donation from the Special Fund in support of a concert event held July 8, 2024 to raise funds for the Heather Winterstien Foundation in support of scholarship opportunities for Indigenous students studying nursing, pathology, and other medical disciplines. (This is a first-time Special Fund request. The item was pre-approved by the Board on July 8, 2024 and is before the Board for ratification.)

  • That the Board authorize a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 from the Special Fund to the Heather Winterstein Foundation.

Service report dated May 29, 2024 advising that the SIU concluded their investigation in this matter and found no grounds for criminal charges against any police officer, and also advising that in compliance with S.32 of Ontario Regulation 268/10 made under the Police Services Act, the Service completed its review and investigation into this matter and concluded that there are no identified policy/service/officer conduct issues.

Service report dated May 31, 2024 advising that the SIU concluded their investigation in this matter and found no grounds for criminal charges against any police officer, and also advising that in compliance with S.32 of Ontario Regulation 268/10 made under the Police Services Act, the Service completed its review and investigation into this matter and concluded that there are no identified policy/service/officer conduct issues.

  • That, in accordance with Board direction, the above noted in camera reports be made available to the public. 

  • That the Board move into Closed Session for consideration of confidential matters pursuant to Section 44 of the Community Safety and Policing Act, namely for subject-matter related to potential litigation, human resources matters, information supplied in confidence by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and from vendors for contract awards, as well as legal matters that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

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